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Previous Members

Updated: Feb 16, 2021

This section sadly remembers previous members who are now deceased

 Gaming arena

This cover photo is of Cecil Barnett, a lifelong member of the club and, although having limited success on the table, was held in high regards by all home team players over then many years he supported them and was also well known and liked by many of the visiting team players. His loyal support and encouragement - Oh and occasional coaching having been frequently heard to say from the sidelines 'Dead Weight' was much appreciated (most of the time)!

Bob Chubb was the most successful of the club members during the 1950's and 60's

Reg Bowden was a lifelong member of the club and a very valuable servant and can easily be credited with keeping the club going through many of the difficult years either side of the Second World War. He was also a very accomplished billiards player and would easily have been one of the best players in Bath but was unfortunate to be playing at the same time as players like Johnny Walker, Bob Chubb and Alan Brookes among many others playing in Bath at the time.

Reg and his two brothers Harold and Jack were also major contributors to the running of the club for many years.

Reg along with his brothers were also accomplished snooker and billiards players in their own and right and in addition were active cricket and tennis players. In fact Jack has still playing tennis at the age of 90.

Peter Hill was a member of the club for 25 years, including a 10-year tenure as Club Chairman until 2016. He enjoyed playing recreational and competitive snooker all his life.

Harry Gardiner was a well liked member of the club and also an active member of the Weston Bowling Club.

Cyril Croxton was a well liked and serious student of the game of billiards. He would often be found in the club on his own in the daytime practicing all kinds of fancy and difficult billiards shots. He also was very influential in the development of some of the younger aspiring billiards players at the time including Derick Stephenson, Chris Davis and Nick Hulbert who all went on to reach team and individual success in the Bath Snooker and Billiards league.

Septimus Smith was a major contributor to the fabric of the building in particular. He was a master stonemason and he and his close friend Vic Rose (below) can be credited in doing an enormous amount to the club building including the brickwork in the courtyard and many other building projects. They both saw active service in the second world war and on return gave up many hours of time often voluntarily to ensure the building and the attached cottage is in the sound condition they are today. The club owes a huge debt of gratitude to both for their contributions.

In addition Septimus lived for many years as caretaker and tenant of the cottage. His son Dave Smith was raised in the cottage and many years later also carried on the role of caretaker as well as being a very accomplished billiards player.

Vic Rose

Ken Brain (above)

Dave Smith

The committee from the 70's. Many of these can be found with individual photos above.

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