The English Partnership for Snooker and Billiards have collated all of the latest guidance and resources for English snooker clubs in one handy page here. This includes their official re-opening guidelines previously circulated to their 147 clubs and a new FAQ answering common questions that they have received.

Weston Snooker Club Guidelines
Here are the latest (9th July) Weston Snooker Club COVID-19 guidelines based on those issued by the WPBSA:
Weston Snooker Club to only allow two people in the club at any one time. YES
Members can only play upon advance booking. This will help us avoid people turning up to play and can be used for tracing purposes. YES
Bookings restricted to 5 x one-hour sessions per member per week. YES
No more than two sessions to be played in a row per member. YES
Members should not arrive early for their booked session. YES
Members should leave the club five minutes before the end of their booked session. YES
Members only. No guests permitted. YES
Only the big table to be used, small table out of commission. YES
On entry to the building, if the corridor is clear, members with a table booking should go straight up the stairs to the snooker club door. YES
All members to observe the procedures to be followed and the hygiene regulations including hand sanitising before entering the clubroom. YES
Members should use hand sanitiser whenever entering and leaving the club YES
If the table is in use, members should return outside while the players pack up, sanitise the area and leave. YES
Guidance to be followed is also displayed on middle door on side. YES
Observe signage in toilets to encourage hand-washing YES
Members should only leave club to use the toilet one at a time and if stairs and corridor are clear. YES
Club room block booked between 6pm and 7pm daily so that the room can be ventilated and sanitised in accordance with sanitising rules. YES
The daily register to be updated after each cleaning operation to indicate to members that the club facilities have been cleaned . YES